Learning Labs
40 Sessions in 8 Tracks
You can select sessions from different tracks or focus on one.
No need to register for your learning labs beforehand.
Program is subject to change.
Fundamentals of
Energy Psychology
Specific Approaches
& Populations
The Many Faces of Trauma & Violence
Flow, Resilience
& Performance
The Science of
Therapeutic Change
Experiential. Focused on
your personal growth.
Potpourri 2
Conference Workshop Levels
Workshop Level: Introductory (new to energy psychology)
Workshops labeled Introductory teach the basics. This level is for those who are new to energy psychology. If you are new to the field, we strongly recommend attending these learning labs, as they have been specially designed for all professionals who are new to energy psychology. These are A1, B1, C1, D1 and E1.
Workshop Level: All
Workshops labeled All presuppose a basic knowledge of energy psychology, but do not require a great deal of energy psychology exposure/experience to understand. For example, an All workshop focused on meridian tapping and eating disorders might teach the basic EFT recipe as well as the specific application to the issues presented with eating disorders.
Workshop Level: Intermediate-Advanced
Workshops labeled Intermediate-Advanced presuppose considerable knowledge and experience with energy psychology. For example, an Intermediate-Advanced workshop on the use of EFT with eating disorders would not teach the basic EFT recipe. It would assume that the attendee knows this information and would focus more on the specific application to the issues presented with eating disorders.
Very Important CE Information: Not all activities are approved for each CE type (e.g. NAADAC, APA). Please download the document below for a session-by-session spreadsheet.
* Session is approved for different CE boards, but no CE for psychologists is available.
** Session is approved for CE for psychologists and and many other CE boards.
*** Session is approved for various CE boards, but not for psychologists and NBCC CE.
Please visit the CE Hours page for detailed information.
Friday, May 30 · 10:45 am - 12:45 pm
NOTE: Track 6 focuses on your personal growth. It is experiential. There are 2, 1 hour sessions in each time slot (labeled 6a and 6b).

A1. The Evolution & Application of EFT: From Self-help to Powerful Clinical Tool
George Limberakis
2 CE Hours** - Track 1
Level: Introductory
Follow the evolution of EFT from its roots in ancient traditions, through its introduction as a self-help tool to the research-supported, trauma-informed, powerful clinical tool into which it has evolved. Participate in a demonstration of EFT in a group setting and observe how EFT is used in a clinical intervention.
Describe how to introduce EFT to a client with an explanation of the differences between palliative and clinical EFT.
Demonstrate the mechanical aspects of EFT - the Basic Recipe, the Full Recipe, Setup Statements, and Reminder Phrases.
Describe 3 individual applications of EFT.
George Limberakis, LCMHC is, a licensed clinical mental health counselor in private practice in Salt Lake City, Utah since 2002. George is certified by ACEP as an Advanced Practitioner of EFT (ACAP-EFT) and Diplomate in Comprehensive Energy Psychology (DCEP). He is chair of ACEP's EFT Certification Committee

A2. Quick AIT Protocol: A Hands-On Introduction to Advanced Integrative Therapy
Gregory Brown
2 CE Hours*** - Track 2
Level: Intermediate / Advanced
Discover a streamlined version of Advanced Integrative Therapy (AIT) known as "Quick AIT." Designed to offer a foundational experience without the complexity of full AIT training, this session provides both information and hands-on practice. This introspective approach to energy psychology provides a valuable new tool for supporting both personal growth and client work.
Identify language used for single events and for patterns of events in AIT.
Describe the physical locations for hand placement in AIT.
Identify the different methods for removing a negative belief compared with installing a positive belief.
Gregory Brown, MD, DCEP is a professor of psychiatry and residency training director at the Kirk Kerkorian School of Medicine at UNLV. He is a board-certified psychiatrist and forensic psychiatrist. Greg has training and experience in hypnosis, EMDR, EFT and AIT, with interests in the work of Carl Jung, meditation, spirituality, and personal transformation.

A3. Parts Work Essentials: A Framework for Healing & Integrating Traumatized Aspects of the Self
Jane McCampbell Stuart
2 CE Hours* - Track 3
Level: All
Traumatized parts of the self—whether seen as introjects, inner critics, saboteurs, or soul parts needing retrieval—can disrupt the healing process. In this foundational workshop, discover essential elements of effective parts work and learn a powerful tapping technique to connect with, acknowledge, and soothe all parts of the system. Includes ready-to-use tapping scripts.
Name the most essential goal of parts work and four components needed to get there.
Describe the difference between an introject and a traumatized part.
Demonstrate a tapping technique to acknowledge and settle the parts as a precursor to deeper trauma work.
Jane McCampbell Stuart, MA, LMFT, is a licensed marriage and family therapist, certified EMDR therapist and certified coach who specializes in healing trauma and PTSD. She works from a perspective of systems and attachment theories, paying close attention to intergenerational, prenatal and preverbal trauma. Jane integrates EMDR, tapping, energy psychology and spiritual approaches. She works online with clients across the world.

A4. Best Practices for Facilitating Tapping Groups
Betsy Muller
No CE Hours - Track 4
Level: Intermediate / Advanced
Need tips for starting a successful tapping group? Get examples, resources and best practices from over two decades of tapping group facilitation. Demonstrations combining ancient traditions and current EFT protocols will integrate sound, rhythm, acupoint stimulation and borrowing benefits to allow a gentle healing for our collective experience.
Name 3 ethical issues facilitators must mindfully acknowledge and consider when working with groups.
Identify 3 processes useful for containing and regulating emotional intensity while working with a tapping group.
List 3 different group facilitation challenges that energy psychology is ideally suited to solve.
Betsy Muller, MBA, CEHP is an EFT master trainer, speaker and best-selling author with over two decades experience facilitating live and online groups. With a passion for helping others heal through connection, Betsy is an interfaith minister, retreat leader, certified soul detective and therapy dog volunteer working in memory care settings.

A5. Cultivating Presence: Grounding & Centering Techniques for Enhanced Wellbeing
Lori Chortkoff Hops
2 CE Hours** - Track 5
Level: Intermediate / Advanced
Enhance your experience of being present and improve your wellbeing by learning grounding and centering techniques rooted in research. Learn to recognize when you’re grounded, centered and present, and when you're not. Practice breathwork, imagery, and movement exercises. Ethical guidelines for client work are included, along with personalized self-care practices for ongoing support.
Define grounding and centering based upon research studies.
Name 3 theories that support wellbeing when using grounding and/or centering techniques.
Identify 3 techniques used to establish presence, grounding and/or centering, which may include breathing, visualization or movement.
Lori Chortkoff Hops, PhD, DCEP, is a licensed psychologist, certified Logosynthesis practitioner and teacher, Reiki master, and former president of ACEP. She teaches online courses on intuition, grounding and centering. Lori features energy practices in her podcast "Healing Tips from the Heart: Intuition with Helpers, Healers, and Guides."

A6a. Treating Allergies with Ask & Receive
Sandi Radomski
No CE Hours - Track 6
Level: All
Allergy-like reactions are the body's way of pushing away what it believes is dangerous. Along with the entire group, you will participate in using Core Ask and Receive to release the traumas and negative beliefs that are keeping you from aligning with foods, supplements and other substances.
Sandra Radomski, ND, MSW is a social worker and naturopathic doctor. She is the creator of Allergy Antidotes as well as co-creator of Ask and Receive. Sandi received the ACEP award for major contributions to the field for 2015.

A6b. Heart Rhythm Meditation: Harnessing the Heart’s Magnetic Field for Healing
Puran and Susanna Bair
No CE Hours - Track 6
Level: All
Learn to access and enhance the heart’s magnetic field as a foundation for energy healing. This evidence-based method draws on Western heart-centered mysticism, using the bi-directional magnetic resonance between practitioner and client for impactful energy psychology work.
Puran Bair and Susanna Bair are co-founders of the Institute for Applied Meditation on the Heart, a spiritual school with a Sufi lineage, launched in 1988. They also created the Hurqalya Method of Heart-Energy Healing. They have co-authored four books on Heart Rhythm Meditation (HRM) which is used in energy psychology, healing and personal transformation. Using HRM, they have demonstrated light emission from the heart and distant mass healing.

A7. Traumatic Experiences: Pathways to Healing vs Coping
John Diepold and
Fred Gallo
2 CE Hours** - Track 7 Level: All

Explore potential experiential pathways to healing from traumatic experiences, which is contrasted with methods of coping. Do traditional and energy psychology methods promote coping, healing, or both? Join us to converse with two psychologists who have over 90 years of collective clinical experience in helping traumatized patients.
List 3 of the idiosyncratic characteristics of trauma.
List 3 distinctions between healing and coping in trauma treatment.
List 3 differences between "going through" vs "stepping back" from traumatic experiences.
John Diepold Jr., PhD, DCEP, is a licensed psychologist in NJ, life-status member of APA, a long-time member of the NJPA and SJPA, and an ACEP member since its inception. John created the Heart Assisted Therapy (HAT) method, is a published author and has presented nationally and internationally, including workshops on HAT in the USA, Canada, and Europe.
Fred Gallo, PhD, DCEP, coined the term energy psychology and is an energy psychology pioneer. He is author of numerous articles, manuals, and nine books, including Energy Psychology, Energy Tapping for Trauma, and The Tapping Toolbox. Fred presents worldwide and has certified thousands in his Advanced Energy Psychology.

A8. The Subtle Power of Entropy in Energy Psychology & Blue Diamond Healing
Phil Mollon
2 CE Hours* - Track 7 Level: Intermediate Advanced
Explore the physics behind energy psychology and the implications for our work. Learn about the balance between information and entropy - the entropic brain theory - and how to regulate this in work with clients. Experience shifts in consciousness as the information-entropy balance optimizes.
Describe Tiller's concept of R Space.
Describe the nature of entropy, in both physical and mental states.
State an energy psychology modality that aims to expel entropy and bring in new order and information.
Phil Mollon, PhD, DCEP, is a clinical psychologist and psychoanalyst from England. He teaches energy psychology widely in the UK and is the developer of Psychoanalytic Energy Psychotherapy (PEP) and Blue Diamond Healing. Phil is a past President of ACEP.
* Session is approved for different CE boards, but no CE for psychologists is available.
** Session is approved for CE for psychologists and and many other CE boards.
*** Session is approved for various CE boards, but not for psychologists and NBCC CE
Please visit the CE Hours page for detailed information.
Saturday, May 31 · 10:45 am - 12:45 pm
NOTE: Track 6 focuses on your personal growth. It is experiential. There are 2, 1 hour sessions in each time slot (labeled 6a and 6b).

B1. Muscle Testing 101:
A Primer in Energy Testing
Debra Greene
2 CE Hours*** - Track 1
Level: Introductory
Explore the foundations and energetic components of muscle testing to understand how and why it works. Learn to assess and address four key barriers to reliable results, including over/under energy and polarity switching. Refine your skills through hands-on practice and incorporate ethical guidelines for effective and responsible muscle testing.
Name the unique characteristic of the vital body that can explain why energy testing works.
Identify 4 barriers to reliable energy testing.
Describe ethical energy testing.
Debra Greene, PhD, is an innovator in energy medicine and energy psychology. Developer of Inner Clarity, Debra is author of Endless Energy: The Essential Guide to Energy Health. She was trained in energy testing by faculty of the International Kinesiology College. Debra has worked with thousands of clients and taught hundreds of workshops.

B2. The Self-Soothe Strategy: Cultivating Calm, Self-Acceptance
and Resilience
Kathy Milano
2 CE Hours** - Track 2
Level: All
Discover the Self-Soothe Strategy, a 5-step approach for creating both immediate and lasting, flexible responses to stress. This self-treatment integrates mindset interventions, energy psychology techniques from Heart-Assisted Therapy, and cultivation of positive emotional states. This experiential session provides practical tools for personal resilience and client support.
Describe how to integrate HAT’s 9 Self Regulating Heart Breaths technique within The Self Soothe Strategy and client therapy sessions.
List the 5 steps of The Self Soothe Strategy.
Identify 1 stress mindset intervention to enhance flexibility in response to stress.
Kathy Milano, PhD, DCEP, is a licensed psychologist and founder of Soul Sanctuary. In private practice, Kathy integrates an intentional mind/body/spirit/energy approach with Heart Assisted Therapy and other energy psychology and energy medicine modalities. Kathy empowers women’s personal transformation, transcendence of traumatic histories, and spiritual evolution.

B3. Working in Traumatized Communities: Therapeutic Presence, Clinical EFT & Personal Preparedness
Lori Leyden
2 CE Hours** - Track 3
Level: All
Gain essential skills for humanitarian work in trauma-affected communities and learn from the presenter’s 17 years’ experience in developing community-based programs around the world. This workshop covers foundational Clinical EFT and Grace Process® protocols for short- and long-term community recovery. Explore the challenges and opportunities of developing therapeutic presence and personal preparedness.
Describe 3 considerations for working in traumatized communities.
Name 3 Clinical EFT protocols most effective for working in traumatized communities.
Describe the 3 components of achieving therapeutic presence.
Lori Leyden, PhD, is a trauma healing expert and visionary spiritual mentor. She has been called in to work with traumatized communities who have experienced genocide, war and school shootings. She is an Evolutionary Leaders Circle member and Evidence Based EFT master trainer.

B4. Clearing Subconscious Blocks to Financial Success Using Be Set Free Fast™
Adriana Popescu
2 CE Hours* - Track 4
Level: All
Are you ready to break free from subconscious limiting beliefs that are holding you and your clients back financially? This workshop will provide a powerful technique to identify and overcome these blocks. Discover how to shift your mindset, cultivate a positive relationship with money, and unlock your true financial potential.
Name 3 ways in which financial challenges negatively affect a person's mental health and wellbeing.
Identify 3 common subconscious blocks that people have when it comes to money and financial success.
Describe how BSFF can be used to treat subconscious material that is creating financial challenges.
Adriana Popescu, PhD is a licensed clinical psychologist and empowerment coach with over 25 years of treatment experience. She specializes in treating addiction, co-occurring disorders, and trauma, and has directed several treatment programs in the San Francisco Bay Area. Adriana has written several books and hosts a podcast called Kaleidoscope of Possibilities – Alternative Perspectives on Mental Health.

B5. Ethical & Culturally Competent Approaches to Spiritual Emergency &
Spiritual Emergence
Kerri Husman
2 CE Hours** 2 ETHICS CE's
Track 5
Level: Intermediate-Advanced
Working with expanded states of consciousness can carry the risk of spiritual emergency and spiritual emergence. Identifying these events and determining critical next steps takes wisdom and experience. Join us to build your ethical and compassionate spiritual cultural competence. Apply new skills to cases and leave with confidence and resources.
List 2 resources to build practitioner spiritual cultural competence.
Identify 3 key features of spiritual emergency vs. spiritual emergence.
List 2 screening tools useful in differentiating spiritual emergency and spiritual emergence.
Kerri Husman, MD, DCEP is a holistic psychiatrist with extensive training, including certifications in energy psychology, psychedelic-assisted therapy, Healing Touch, health coaching, and more. She also offers coaching and healing services, emphasizing a clear boundary between psychiatric patients and coaching clients. Kerri currently serves as ACEP president.

B6a. Tap into Your Best Self
Brad Yates
No CE Hours - Track 6
Level: All
Become the person you most wish to be – create the life you most wish to live! Please join us to experience a powerful (and fun) hour of EFT/Tapping with Brad Yates to break free from the inner blocks that keep you stuck and begin living the magnificent life you imagined!
Brad Yates is known internationally for his creative use of EFT/Tapping and has over 1500 videos on YouTube. He is the author of the best-selling children's book The Wizard's Wish, and a featured expert in the film “The Tapping Solution.”

B6b. Consciousness Dawning as Life Energy's Wellspring
Alfred Heath
No CE Hours - Track 6
Level: All
Join us for a collective journey to where energy and consciousness meet. Be Set Free Fast™ master trainer Alfred Heath guides a nourishing meditation exploring consciousness and its naturally emerging qualities of life energy.
Alfred Heath, MA, PPC, is a professional counselor, coach, healer, certified hypnotherapist, NLP practitioner, Quantum Entrainment® Facilitator, and independent Reiki master. He developed ZeroPoint Intention™ energy healing, the Solvation Macro Energy Miracle, the Grateful Mystic attunement/empowerment series, the SOAR self-actualization/transcendence accelerator. Alfred is designated master trainer of Be Set Free Fast™ by Dr. Larry Nims.

B7. Integrating CBT & REBT with TFT to Treat Negative Self-Assumptions & Shame
Suzanne Connolly
2 CE Hours** - Track 7
Level: Intermediate-Advanced
Negative self-assumptions and shame can be deeply ingrained, but combining CBT, REBT, and energy psychology offers a powerful, efficient approach to transformation. Learn how these modalities work together to create rapid results through live demonstrations and immersive exercises.
Describe 2 ways to use CBT and REBT skills to enhance energy psychology treatments.
Name 3 dysfunctional family dynamics that can lead to shame and self-loathing
Describe an easy-to-use TFT negative self-assumption algorithm for negative self-assumptions
Suzanne Connolly, LCSW, LMFT, is a licensed as a clinical social worker, marriage and family therapist, and substance abuse counselor. She participated in three research studies in Rwanda which have been published in peer-reviewed journals. Suzanne serves as an advisor to Japan Association for TFT. She has conducted Thought Field Therapy (TFT) trainings throughout the world.

B8. Emotional Freedom Techniques (EFT) for Ancestral Healing
Mirjam Paninski
No CE Hours - Track 8
Level: Intermediate-Advanced
Inherited trauma and deeply ingrained patterns can create “sticky” issues that may be difficult to access cognitively. Learn how EFT can help unlock these ancestral imprints, addressing subconscious and genetic programming to foster healing, and discover the latest science behind ancestral trauma and epigenetics. You can also participate in a group ancestral healing session.
Discuss the science that shows how ancestral trauma manifests both behaviorally and genetically.
Describe how EFT taps into these deep-seated , ancestral patterns.
Describe the basic protocol of EFT Ancestral Healing..
Mirjam Paninski, MA, is a clinical EFT trainer and practitioner, meditation teacher, healer, writer, and researcher. She is the founder and CEO of Open Consciousness Institute and serves as consciousness programs director and trainer for Clinical EFT at EFT Universe. She has worked with hundreds of clients and students and has been faculty at various academic institutions and healing centers.
* Session is approved for different CE boards, but no CE for psychologists is available.
** Session is approved for CE for psychologists and and many other CE boards.
*** Session is approved for various CE boards, but not for psychologists and NBCC CE
Saturday, May 31 · 2:15 pm - 4:15 pm
NOTE: Track 6 focuses on your personal growth. It is experiential. There are 2, 1 hour sessions in each time slot (labeled 6a and 6b).

C1. Overcoming Unconscious Barriers: Addressing & Healing Psychological Reversal
Sarette Zecharia
2 CE Hours*** - Track 1
Level: Introductory
Many patients or clients lack full inner permission for desired changes, a phenomenon known in energy psychology as "psychological reversal." This workshop offers powerful strategies to enhance success and healing by identifying and addressing these reversals, including demonstrations and self-practice.
Define psychological reversal.
Name 2 techniques that are combined to clear psychoenergetic reversals.
Identify 5 common psychological reversals.
Sarette Zecharia, PhD, DCEP, CIMHP, is a psychologist in Arizona. Her certifications include: Ayurveda, Medical/Clinical Qigong, and nutrition for pain and mood management. Sarette teaches and consults internationally. Her focus is mainstreaming energy psychology into healthcare. Her specialties include pain, trauma, chronic illness, mood issues and dreamwork

C2. Energy Psychology & Psychedelic Science Panel: Worlds Coming Together
Kate Hawke, Lucie Monroe, Melanie McGhee, Michael DeMolina & Steven Fenwick
2 CE Hours** - Track 2
Level: All
Join a panel of experts in energy psychology and psychedelic-assisted therapy as they explore the intersection of these transformative practices. Learn how ancient wisdom and modern research converge to enhance healing, overcome trauma, and expand consciousness, with practical insights for integrating these modalities into professional practice.
Name 3 historical and current commonalities between energy psychology and psychedelic assisted therapy.
List 5 benefits of integrating energy psychology and psychedelic assisted therapy.
Describe 3 research issues facing both energy psychology and psychedelic assisted therapy.
Kate Hawke, MA, director of the Trauma Transformation Network, has extensive personal and professional experience with both energy psychology and psychedelics. She has been a member of the Multidisciplinary Association for Psychedelic Studies since the 1980’s and organized the first International Energy Psychology Conferences.
Lucie Monroe, LMHC, MA in clinical mental health counseling with a trauma specialization. She is certified in psychedelic therapy and research, and practices psychotherapy in Cambridge, MA. Lucie is an ACEP member and Advanced EFT Practitioner.
Melanie McGhee, LCSW, merged expertise from decades of practice and study to develop Acceptance and Integration Training® (AAIT™) and teaches the model to healing arts professionals. She founded the Alliance for Integrated Awareness dedicated to ensuring all therapists have access to advanced mental health training.
Michael DeMolina, PhD, ACEP's lead EFT trainer, has operated Wisdom Traditions, an integrative behavioral health clinic for 20 years, and runs a ketamine-assisted psychotherapy program for trauma-informed care. Founder of the Wisdom Training Institute, he offers internationally recognized certification courses for life coaches and therapists through the Society of NLP.
Steven Fenwick, PhD, LMHC, is a psychotherapist in private practice in Olympia, WA specializing in the integration of energy psychology and process-oriented psychology. He has been using sound healing methods in his practice for many years, and is certified in psychedelic-assisted therapy from Naropa University.

C3. Healing Transgenerational Trauma in BIPOC Communities with Guided Imagery
Jennifer Groebe
2 CE Hours* - Track 3
Level: All
Explore the profound impact of transgenerational trauma in Black, Indigenous, and Asian communities in America. Learn how guided imagery can serve as a powerful tool to support healing and resilience in these communities. This workshop includes experiential exercises to help you integrate these practices into your work and foster transformation.
Explain what transgenerational trauma is.
List 3 ways BIPOC clients can experience transgenerational trauma.
Describe 2 types of medical system trauma.
Jennifer Groebe, LCSW, is a highly skilled clinical social worker, trainer and provider of continuing education for mental health, nursing, health and aging professionals. Jennifer integrates psychology with spiritual awareness and practice to help others effect change with a gentle psycho-spiritual approach to healing. She is passionate about educating members of underserved and diverse populations.

C4. Unlocking Motivation: Brain-Body Resets for
Stuck Clients
Margaret Lynch Raniere
No CE Hours - Track 4
Level: Intermediate / Advanced
Enhance your skills to help clients break through procrastination or avoidance. Explore a model addressing the hidden emotional, cognitive, and hormonal drivers behind these behaviors. Gain practical techniques to implement a Brain-Body Reset, recharging motivation and fostering courage for action and progress.
Name the first 3 layers of the Breakthrough Map that “sit below” avoidant behaviors.
Describe 2 reasons clients resist feeling painful, messy emotions and how to overcome their natural resistance.
Describe some of the hidden reasons that a client's brain/body system will fear being seen as bold, confident or self-advocating.
Margaret Lynch Raniere trains and certifies coaches, therapists and everyday people to be the most highly skilled, sought after and paid coaches in the world following the methods in her new book Unblocked.

C5. Impeccable Boundaries: An Advanced Class for Energy Psychology Practitioners
Rachel Michaelsen
2 CE Hours** - 2 ETHICS CE's
Track 5
Level: Intermediate-Advanced
Maintaining boundaries is an important ethical principle in energy psychology clinical practice. We will review ethical standards around boundaries and focus on three less obvious issues: gray areas of boundary violations and crossings, adjusting boundaries to meet a client’s unique needs, and how to meet different cultural expectations in helping relationships.
Describe at least 2 important differences between a boundary crossing and a boundary violation.
Differentiate between 2 times you would deviate from standard boundaries with a client and 2 times you would not.
List at least 2 circumstances in which cultural factors would influence a change from standard professional boundaries.
Rachel Michaelsen, LCSW, DCEP, a clinical social worker, trains professionals in topics ranging from energy psychology to law and ethics. She has taught the NY State required CE class for mental health providers on maintaining appropriate professional boundaries. Rachel has a telehealth private practice and is a past Chair of ACEP’s Humanitarian Committee.

C6a. Experiencing the Shift through Himalayan Singing Bowls
Greg Carpenter
No CE Hours - Track 6
Level: All
Experience how to use Himalayan Singing Bowls (metal) and other instruments for centering and releasing stress. Join a group sound meditation using the singing bowls and other sound therapy tools designed to enhance states of consciousness and relaxation.
Greg Carpenter, LMFT, is a marriage and family therapist, performance coach, certified Intention Tapping practitioner/mentor and sound therapist. He uses mind-body therapies to relieve stress/anxiety and relationship concerns. Greg has found Intention Tapping and sound therapy to be very effective techniques in creating movement towards transformation.

C6b. Don't be Seduced By Ideals
Judith Swack
No CE Hours - Track 6
Level: All
An ideal is a glorified representation of something you aspire to that is outside of you. By definition, it is unattainable, leaving us frustrated and unmotivated despite progress. This pattern can lead to giving up and undoing hard-earned growth. Join us to clear this seduction pattern, freeing yourself to stay motivated and stop the cycle of self-defeat.
Judith Swack, PhD, biochemist/immunologist, master NLP practitioner, and mind/body healer is the originator of Healing from the Body Level Up, an innovative and powerful methodology with transformative results. Judith received the 2015 ACEP award for major contribution to the field of energy psychology.

C7. “I Am an Energy Psychology Practitioner": What does this mean?
Robert Bray
2 CE Hours* - Track 7
Level: All
Your working definition of energy psychology describes your services and protects you from misunderstandings. Does it align with ACEP’s definition or research applications? Sharpen and integrate concepts of energy psychology within your approach to helping. Engage in a dynamic discussion and leave with a more precise working definition tailored to your practice.
Identify at least 3 points of agreement among thought leaders in the definition of energy psychology.
Identify at least 3 aspects of energy psychology definitions currently in dispute.
Describe at least 3 ways that the clear definition of energy psychology is essential when providing quality services.
Robert Bray, PhD, DCEP, LCSW, TFT-VT, is an ACEP board member. A clinician, author, teacher, and healer for over 50 years, Bob specializes in traumatic stress recovery. He has practiced and taught Thought Field Therapy for over 27 years.

C8. The Sonic Alchemist: The Art & Science of Sound as Therapy
Charleene Closshey
2 CE Hours*** - Track 8
Level: Intermediate / Advanced
Experience the therapeutic properties of sound in this highly interactive and immersive hands-on seminar. Explore the latest science and learn reliable sound therapy formulas. Explore new practical techniques, and identify ethical considerations involved. Observe key Sonic Archetypes™ that empower your inner 'sonic alchemist' no matter your current skill level.
Identify 2 specific frequencies and their effect on the physical body as shown by scientific research.
Name 3 sonic archetypes.
Name 2 art-based therapies being used and researched within a therapeutic framework.
Billboard Top 40 artist and composer Charleene Closshey is revolutionizing sound healing with her Archetypes of Sound™, fusing classical music theory with psychology and scientifically shown to affect brainwave states. Her crystal singing bowl performances have garnered over a million YouTube views. Charleene is on The Shift Network faculty and completing her PhD.
* Session is approved for different CE boards, but no CE for psychologists is available.
** Session is approved for CE for psychologists and and many other CE boards.
*** Session is approved for various CE boards, but not for psychologists and NBCC CE
Sunday, June 1 · 8:00 am - 10:00 am
NOTE: Track 6 focuses on your personal growth. It is experiential. There are 2, 1 hour sessions in each time slot (labeled 6a and 6b).

D1. Orientation to the Meridians
Michael Galvin
2 CE Hours** - Track 1
Level: Introductory
We will review the history of acupuncture meridians and the confluence of events that resulted in meridian-based energy psychology. Discover the structure of the system, the mechanisms of the system, and some of the relevant science.
Describe how Traditional Chinese Medicine became the precursor to meridian-based psychotherapies.
Identify the names and locations of commonly used meridian acupoints.
Describe 1 mechanism of energy therapy.
Michael Galvin, PhD, DCEP, is a psychologist and has served on the faculty of three graduate schools. He is an ACEP and EMDRIA approved consultant and has been trained in TFT, EFT, EDxTM and TAT. Michael trains internationally and is co-author of Energy Psychology and EMDR.

D2. Resilience & Cancer: Enhancing Body, Mind, Spirit with 5 Energy Modalities
Pamela Bloom
2 CE Hours* - Track 2
Level: Intermediate-Advanced
At each stage of cancer—diagnosis, treatment, and recovery—you can learn how to promote resilience using a 5-modality energy process. By combining mindfulness, breathwork, visualization, music, and Reiki, patients experience stress relief, elevated spirits, and potentially physical healing. holistic approach excels in group settings and thrives in the flexibility of virtual sessions.
Describe 3 energy healing techniques that can be used with cancer patients.
Explain how to combine modalities to increase their efficiency.
Discuss why adapting this process to virtual platforms is important.
Pamela Bloom, Rev, is a Reiki master and transformational counselor with 30 years of experience. Influenced by Tibetan Buddhism and sound healing, she began at the Manhattan Center for Living in New York City and continued at Mount Sinai Beth Israel Hospital. Pamela maintains a private practice and facilitates groups for cancer survivors at Red Door Community.

D3. The Color Key for Accessing, Mapping & Treating Trauma & Pain
Brent Baum
2 CE Hours***- Track 3
Level: All
Learn mindful mastery of memory-based pain and pathology. Discover how to use your unique neural and color brainwave frequencies to unlock temporally bound pain and trauma. Using a clean language somatic focusing technique, enable the mapping of trauma patterns and illness so your inner healer can emerge more fully.
Describe the role of color in the transmission of safety to the subconscious mind.
Explain how to use breathwork, creative visualization and repetition to intervene with memory-based pain.
List the 10 questions included in the somatic focusing technique to determine if a personal issue or pain is memory-based.
Brent Baum, SSL, LISAC is an internationally recognized author, lecturer, and interdisciplinary specialist with expertise in traumatology, addictionology, spirituality and archaeology. He is the developer of Holographic Memory Resolution and is a licensed substance abuse counselor for the state of AZ.

D4. Nurturing the Cosmic Child: Integrating EP & Holistic Education
Raquel Smith
2 CE Hours* - Track 4
Level: Intermediate-Advanced
Discover how energy psychology can transform children's education. Learn techniques to foster creativity, intuition, and wonder. We will explore Steiner's and Mollon's philosophies of the "cosmic child" and the Blue Diamond Healing technique. Join our interactive workshop to empower yourself to serve children and their families.
Name 3 aspects of the limitations of traditional, standardized education.
Identify 2 signs of intuition and creativity in children.
Identify 2 energy psychology techniques to use when addressing specific child learning challenges such as ADHD, SLD, and ASD.
Raquel Smith, PhD, a licensed school psychologist and past president of SCCASP, is the author of two children's books. She developed assessment centers for neurotypical and linguistically diverse children. A Quantum Healing therapist, Raquel holds PhD and MS degrees in developmental psychology and has co-authored papers on "Toddlers and Cognitive Effort" and "Disaster Psychology."

D5. Energetically Empowering Anxious Children: Transforming Anxieties into Strengths
Jan Yordy
2 CE Hours* - Track 5
Level: All
Discover engaging, energy-based techniques to help children turn anxiety into inner strength. Join Jan Yordy, experienced teacher and child therapist, as she shares fun, practical activities for supporting children in overcoming fears and unlocking their potential. Perfect for parents, educators, and practitioners working with anxious children.
List at least 5 contributing factors to the growing levels of stress and anxiety in children today.
Describe 3 anxiety brain patterns (fight, flight, or freeze) and give a strategy for correcting each one of those brain patterns in children.
Demonstrate at least 3 energetic activities as well as three breathing techniques to use with anxious children to reset the central nervous system.
Jan Yordy, MEd, MSW, advanced NeurOptimal trainer, has been involved with energy psychology for over 25 years. She wrote three children's books, created Energy Cards and developed resources for teaching energy concepts to children. Jan has used NeurOptimal Neurofeedback for fifteen years to help transform lives.

D6a. Discover the Inner Counselor Process: A Path to Spiritual Awakening
Shannon South
No CE Hours - Track 6
Level: All
The Inner Counselor Process™️ has been shown to help clients heal from traumatic experiences, reduce anxiety and depression and awaken spiritually. This transformational approach has been designed to move clients beyond their stories to experience a greater sense of joy and wholeness through this unique process of personality integration.
Shannon South, PhD, aka the “Joy Doctor”, is an award-winning therapist, an Amazon best-selling author, and an inspirational speaker. As an expert in the field of spirituality and healing trauma for over 20 years, she knows how to assist people in finding wholeness and joy naturally.

D6b. Reclaim Your Peace & Power: Healing Interpersonal Offense with EP
Kristin Holthuis
No CE Hours - Track 6
Level: All
Transform the lingering impacts of interpersonal hurt using three powerful energy psychology techniques: Logosynthesis, EFT, and TAT. In a supportive environment, you will be guided to: become aware of the impacts from interpersonal hurt and offense, restore inner peace, and reclaim your personal power for lasting emotional well-being.
Kristin Holthuis, MD, DCEP integrates various energy psychology modalities in her holistic practice. She teaches EFT, TFT, TAT, TTT, CEP and Logosynthesis to organizations and professionals. Kristin also uses flower essences, Bio-decoding and breathwork and has introduced energy psychology and selfcare programs in international institutes, hospitals and organizations.

D7. Integrating Ketamine-Assisted Psychotherapy with EP for a Successful Practice
Michael DeMolina
2 CE Hours** - Track 7
Level: Intermediate-Advanced
Discover how combining ketamine-assisted psychotherapy with EFT and energy psychology creates transformative emotional healing. This workshop provides practical techniques for trauma-informed care. Learn how energy psychology techniques enhance ketamine therapy for lasting neuroplasticity and emotional change, offering a holistic approach to enduring client transformation.
Identify 2 core principles of integrating ketamine-assisted psychotherapy (KAP) with energy psychology to enhance neuroplasticity and emotional healing in trauma-informed care.
Demonstrate how to apply EFT techniques in conjunction with KAP during role-play scenarios, addressing client cases involving trauma, anxiety, or depression.
Delineate a therapeutic action plan that includes the use of playlists as a co-facilitator during KAP sessions, incorporating music to support the emotional and psychological journey of clients.
Michael DeMolina, PhD, DCEP, has been ACEP's lead EFT trainer since 2010. He has operated Wisdom Traditions, an integrative behavioral health clinic for 20 years, and runs a ketamine-assisted psychotherapy program for trauma-informed care. Founder of the Wisdom Training Institute, Michael offers internationally recognized certification courses for life coaches and therapists through the Society of NLP.

D8. Experience the Power of Ask & Receive: A Next Generation Technique
Pam and Tom Altaffer and Sandi Radomski
2 CE Hours* - Track 8
Level: All
Personally experience the power of Ask and Receive, a next generation energy psychology technique that relies on the power of the word to resolve emotional and physical issues. The three creators of Ask and Receive combine their expertise to showcase the three forms of the technique.
Name the 5 lines of Ask and Receive.
Describe the qualities of a positive statement.
Name the 3 forms of Ask and Receive.
Pamela Altaffer, LCSW has been a psychotherapist for 30 years. She specializes in relationships and sees clients from around the world. Pamela has been using energy psychology for over 20 years. She is a co-creator of Ask and Receive and presents internationally. Pamela is past president of ACEP.
Sandra Radomski, ND, MSW is a social worker and naturopathic doctor. She is the creator of Allergy Antidotes as well as co-creator of Ask and Receive. Sandi received the ACEP award for major contributions to the field for 2015.
Thomas Altaffer, MSW is a psychotherapist, life coach, author and international trainer. He is the co-creator of Ask and Receive as well as the developer of several other mind/body therapies including Releasing Through Love and Higher States Therapy.
* Session is approved for different CE boards, but no CE for psychologists is available.
** Session is approved for CE for psychologists and and many other CE boards.
*** Session is approved for various CE boards, but not for psychologists and NBCC CE
Sunday, June 1 · 10:30 am - 12:30 pm


E1. From Burn-out to Balance: The Energetics of Self-care for Practitioners & Clients
Prune Harris and
João Pestana
2 CE Hours* - Track 1
Level: Introductory
This experiential workshop will empower participants of all disciplines with understandings of the importance of the energetic core, auric system and heartfield system in activating resilience, offering simple yet powerful tools and techniques to aid the journey from burnout to balance for you and your clients.
Discuss the difference between burnout and balance.
Describe 3 characteristics of energetic self-care.
Demonstrate 3 practices to enhance auric resilience.
Prune Harris, MA, EEM-AP - Able to see energy since she was born, Prune is an energy expert, British shaman and soul activist. She is a passionate educator who teaches throughout the world, sharing her profound insights about energy, consciousness and soul care. Prune is the author of 3 books.
João Pestana is a licensed clinical psychologist, specializing in clinical and health psychology. He is an Eden Energy Medicine advanced practitioner (EEM-AP), and a faculty member on the Eden Method certification programs.

E2. Help Clients Reset Their Relationship Radar: Fantasy Bond Prison Release Keys
David Gruder
2 CE Hours** - Track 2
Level: Intermediate / Advanced
Discover the Fantasy Bond, the groundbreaking understanding of powerful influences that undermine adult relationships. Help your clients shatter the chains of their Fantasy Bond, reset their wellbeing and relationship radar, and master mindsets and skills to attract and build high-level, durable relationships.
Define the 5 ingredients in the childhood survival plan that are birthed by the fantasy bond.
List 7 common self-defeating extensions of the fantasy bond in adulthood.
Describe 5 key building blocks for Fantasy Bond freedom and resetting relationship radar.
ACEP co-founder and first president, David Gruder, PhD, DCEP, is a 12-award-winning clinical and organizational development psychologist. He provides keynotes, training programs, consulting, mentoring, and facilitation in making integrity profitable, leaders elevated, collaborators productive, happiness purpose-based, and cultures healthy. His latest project: The Center for Enlightened Self-Sovereignty.

E3. From Numb to Nourished: Navigating the Energy of Toxic Shame
Kate Munden
2 CE Hours* - Track 3
Level: Intermediate-Advanced
Shame immobilizes, leaving us emotionally numb and disconnected. Traditional therapy can struggle with the physiological impact of toxic shame. This experiential workshop introduces polyvagal informed, Heart Assisted Tapping that works with the nervous system to help support clients to move through the shutdown state that toxic shame creates.
Define shame and detail 3 of its unique characteristics.
State 2 examples of what shame does to the ANS.
Explain how Heart Assisted Tapping can help clients re-engage social connection.
Kate Munden, DipPsych, specializes in trauma recovery techniques, particularly for narcissistic emotional abuse. An EFTi trainer/mentor, she also served as exec board director at EFT Intl. Kate is co-founder of Heart Assisted Tapping, chair of the TRE® UK Association, and a TRE® Trainer. She is in private practice online and in London.

E4. Using Dreamwork to Guide Your Tapping Process
Larry Burk
No CE Hours - Track 4
Level: Intermediate-Advanced
Dreams can provide powerful insights for guidance in creating successful EFT tapping phrases. Dream symbols may be interpreted as metaphors representing sacred messengers from the subconscious about imbalances in our lives. A dream diary offers a way to reveal repressed emotions underlying physical illnesses. Learn a protocol for effectively working with your clients' dreams.
List 2 steps in the International Association for the Study of Dreams interpretation protocol.
List 2 types of dreams that may correlate with specific chakra imbalances.
List 2 perspectives that may be considered in multi-dimensional dream analysis.
Larry Burk, MD, CEHP is a health coach using EFT and dreamwork. He has kept a dream diary since 1987. He was co-founder of Duke Integrative Medicine. His book Dreams that Can Save Your Life: Early Warning Signs of Cancer and Other Diseases is based on a presentation at the International Society for the Study of Dreams.

E5. Healing Touch: Balancing Body, Mind & Spirit
Donna Ackerman
2 CE Hours** / Track 5
Level: All
Discover the practice of Healing Touch through its history, research, and energy anatomy principles. Learn a practical self-care technique to help balance body, mind, and spirit, enhancing your own and your clients' well-being.
Describe 2 benefits of grounding and centering as part of any energy medicine practice.
Name at least 3 basic core principles of Healing Touch.
Identify at least 2 benefits of the Self-Chakra Connection as a self-care technique.
Donna Ackerman, RN, HN-BC, CHPN, HTCP/I is a holistic nurse and energy medicine professional practicing in Cottonwood, AZ. She holds board certifications as a Healing Touch certified practitioner and instructor, and hospice and palliative nurse. Donna has a passion for incorporating energy medicine therapies as an integrative approach in conjunction with traditional medicine and holistic care. Her primary focus is holistic health.

E6a. Escape the Hijack! Neurovascular Acupoint Techniques to Restore Cognitive & Emotional Balance When Stressed
David Rosenberg
No CE Hours / Track 6
Level: All
Learn how to manage and escape amygdala hijack to transcend stress-inducing situations and improve overall emotional resilience more effectively. Explore the four "F”s" of the autonomic nervous system response to stress and practice how to hold and activate a set of neurovascular points on the head to help restore emotional and cognitive balance in response to amygdala reactivity.
David Rosenberg, PhD, is professor/chair and licensed clinical psychologist at Averett University in Virginia with over 25 years of teaching experience. He is a Level 4 Certified T'ai Chi Fundamentals® instructor, certified Eden Method practitioner and authorized Eden Method instructor.

E6b. Deepening into Awe & Wonder: An Immersive Experience of Art & Music
Cynthia Joba
No CE Hours / Track 6
Level: All
Embracing more awe and wonder can help us live with greater inspiration, love, grace and a deepening awareness of spirit. Expand your capacity for awe and wonder through an immersive experience of art and music. Cynthia will create one new painting specifically for this event. Journeys will focus on ourselves, and also on the Earth.
Cynthia Joba, MA, is an artist, singer, mentor, and healing facilitator. For 25+ years she has helped people live more fully in their natural state, attaining a heightened sense of well-being, ease, empowerment, and clarity. She has taught and performed in a wide variety of settings. Cynthia also serves as ACEP’s Senior Director of Communication & Engagement.

E7. Integrating Creative Positive Behavioral Strategies with EP: Treating Trauma in Children
Susan Kane-Ronning
2 CE Hours** - Track 7
Level: Intermediate-Advanced
Positive behavioral management strategies are part of trauma-informed practices. They are often misused with children, increasing risk for disruptive behavior, school failure, and dropout. When used effectively, positive behavior management strategies can be integrated with energy psychology practices, creating emotional regulation, and decreasing trauma symptoms while promoting positive attachment.
Identify the 4 key repetitions in childhood psychic trauma.
Identify at least 2 energy psychology strategies for self-regulation that can be integrated with positive behavior management strategies.
Describe 2 reasons why it is difficult to treat trauma in young children.
Susan Kane-Ronning, PhD, is a licensed psychologist specializing in trauma and child behavior disorders. She is a certified trauma professional, serves as a forensic expert and consultant in trauma, and is a national trainer for PESI. She operates ArmchairEd and ArmchairEdClockhours, providing online continuing education and graduate credit to educators. Susan maintains a private practice in Bellingham, Washington.

E8. Clearing the Deathwish Pattern
Judith Swack
2 CE Hours*** - Track 8
Level: Intermediate-Advanced
The standard deathwish pattern is a common cause of depression. When people clear this pattern, they become congruently invested in living. They are more receptive to therapeutic interventions aimed at resolving other problems, and they achieve their life goals more quickly. Join us in clearing this pattern and restoring optimism for the future.
Identify the emotion at the root cause of the standard deathwish pattern.
Name 2 ways people organize their timeline.
Describe the protocol for clearing the Standard Deathwish Pattern.
Judith Swack, PhD, biochemist/immunologist, master NLP practitioner, and mind/body healer is the originator of Healing from the Body Level Up, an innovative and powerful methodology with transformative results. Judith received the 2015 ACEP award for Major Contribution to the Field of Energy Psychology.